Earth bids farewell to ‘mini moon’ asteroid set for return visit in 2055

Earth bids farewell to ‘mini moon’ asteroid set for return visit in 2055

Planet Earth is bidding farewell to a “mini moon,” a harmless asteroid named 2024 PT5, which has been trailing Earth for two months and will leave on Monday, drawn away by the sun’s stronger gravitational pull. First spotted in August, the asteroid began its brief gravitational interaction with Earth in late September. After its departure,…

Orbiter photos show lunar modules from first 2 moon landings more than 50 years later

Orbiter photos show lunar modules from first 2 moon landings more than 50 years later

Recent photos taken by India’s Space Research Organization moon orbiter, known as Chandrayaan 2, clearly show the Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 landing sites more than 50 years later. The photos were taken by the Chandrayaan 2 orbiter in April 2021 and were reshared on Curiosity’s X page – which posts about space exploration – on…